bio_bruce_and_laura_nyesteBruce and Laura have been making unique, high fired, wheel-thrown and hand-built functional stoneware and porcelain for over 35 years. Originally, Laura rented a potters wheel after taking a night course in New Zealand to “play” at home. Although Bruce had never seen pottery made before, he sat down and made a bowl on his first try….and was hooked for life! Within six months he had given up his job as a purchasing agent for two particle board factories in Aukland to become a full-time potter. In 1981 the family moved to Canada and in 1983 they bought a house in Blind Bay to build the studio they are still using today.

In 2009 their son Grant joined them on a full-time basis, adding his own line of eclectic pottery. Their daughter Marie helps out in the studio part-time when she can. Bruce and Grant continue exploring crystalline glazes, which are unpredictable and can be challenging. They are also experimenting with with post-fire reduction. Over this last year they have transformed fourteen tons of clay into functional pottery.

During Art Market Art and Craft Sale, Bruce can be found in the foyer throwing and turning bowls that are later glazed and fired for the Empty Bowls projects for the Airdie Food Bank.

It is important to all the members of the family that the pottery they produce is of a very high standard. Mud, Sweat & Tears is renowned for its durability, form, function, and decoration. Because it is a family business, careful attention is paid to each piece during the entire production process. They all hope that the pleasure they derive from making pottery shows in their work and brings equal pleasure to those who use it.

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